NLP – SVD based Word Embedding

For calculating the word embeddings, intuition has been used that word’s meaning should be represented by the words that frequently appear nearby that word.  intuition has been used that word’s meaning should be represented by the words that frequently appear nearby that word. In SVD based embedding methods, first, we create the matrix of co-occurrence, then we reduce the dimensionality of the matrix using SVD to get the embeddings. Continue reading

NLP – TF-IDF (Term Frequency- Inverse Document Frequency) model

To overcome the limitation of common words in the Bag of Word (BOW) methodology, a technique called TF-IDF (Term Frequency- Inverse Document Frequency) has been created. It gives the importance of any term in a document if it is occurring multiple times in that document, and also penalize the importance of a term in a document in case it is occurring very frequently in various documents in the corpus. Continue reading